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Sunday, May 11, 2008


again...Thanks Twinks for the tag..

For the instructions, add your name on the list and simply spell out your name using the given Japanese letter- translations below. Tag six of your friends and inform them of the tag. Have fun.

friends to tag : nurse4ever, kaguvkov, kaiterz, dimarkitekt13, foodanddrink,labme


A - ka ----- G - ji ----- M - rin ----- S - ari ----- Y - fu
B - tu ----- H - ri ----- N - to ------ T - chi ----- Z - zi
C - mi ----- I - ki ----- O - mo ------ U - do
D - te ----- J - zu ----- P - no ------ V - ru
E - ku ----- K - me ----- Q - ke ------ W - mei
F - lu ----- L - ta ----- R - shi ----- X - na

1. OSWALD - moarimeikatate (sounds like american and states har....har...har...)
2. JUNELLE - zudotokutataku (Thank God I’m a Filipino! sounds like sadako. nyay! hehehe)
3. JACQUELINE-zukamikedokutakitoku (Ayay!! Unsaman ni perti mang taasa..wa ko kasabot nyahahaha)
4. LIRALUZ-takishika taduzi ( sounds like a title of an anime show) it's cute!
5. JANA-ZukaToka (hastang ZUKAA! lol I can't help but laugh!)
6. PRINCESS-Noshikitomikuariari (LOL! Noshi balasi?)
7. ELLAINE- Kutatakakitoku (Hala! Nagkalisod ko ug litok ani! Naunsa!)
8. RITCHEL- Shikichimirikuta (Hala ka.kuruta daw oi!magkabuang pud ta litok
9. EIZEL = (Kukizikuta) waaaaaaa murag kamazutra ako wakakaka..this is xiaomai