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Sunday, April 13, 2008


In life, we are faced with losing our first loves and are best friends. We have to face the pain of losing our loved-ones to death. We live with our regrets of the mistakes we make in life.

How can you love and trust again when you have been hurt over and over again at a young age. How do you get past all this pain. This is reality.

Life in Reality
by suthern
Death, departure, walk away, walk out
Should I or should I not pout

Family and friends
Lovers and one-night stands

I have loved, lost and lived
How do I trust, how do I love again

I should move on, it's all in my past
But my pain remains, continues and lasts

This pain lingers in my heart, mind and soul
Damn it - why is this world so cold

How can I have faith in God and family
When people I love are taken from me

Where can I find true and loyal friends
I'm sick of the lies, fights and revenge

Hurt continuously, hurt at a young age
How do I love again with all of my rage

How do I get past all of this, show me a sign
So I can leave my sadness, pain and crying behind

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